Pole1 Nodes received in last 2 hours histogram
Meshtastic nodes LastHeard in last 2 hours by Pole1 Histogram chart
This chart shows the quantity of Meshtastic nodes heard by Meshtastic Node Pole1 in the last 2 hours. This is continually measured every 30 minutes and plotted over time (Default & max is 3 weeks or you can select dates). This will act as a good indicator of the effectiveness of the local mesh and will also show high peaks when we have signal uplift due to Radio tropospheric ducting. It will also show when Cranfield Node is working at full height as it brings in nodes from Milton Keynes.Regular Broadcast Intervals
Meshtastic broadcast interval calculatorAs meshes grow larger and traffic becomes more contentious, the firmware will increase these intervals. This is in addition to duty cycle, channel, and air-time utilization throttling.
Starting with version 2.4.0, the firmware will scale back Telemetry, Position, and other ancillary port traffic for meshes larger than 40 nodes (nodes seen in the past 2 hours) using the following algorithm:-
ScaledInterval = Interval * (1.0 + ((NumberOfOnlineNodes - 40) * 0.075))
For example an active mesh of 62 nodes would scale back telemetry.device_update_interval to 79.5 minutes instead of the 30 minute default.
Below the threshold above, Nodes will produce the following three different types of regularly intervaled traffic as part of the mesh:
Device Telemetry : Controlled by telemetry.device_update_interval Default: 30 minutes
Position : Controlled by position.position_broadcast_secs Default: 15 minutes* (with smart broadcast enabled)
NodeInfo user : Controlled by device.node_info_broadcast_secs Default: 3 hours