EE Bad Customer Experience full-fibre order and waiting for installation

The pain of getting EE full Fibre to the Premises FFTP installed

I have been a customer of EE going back to when they were Orange that's 30 years. In December 2024 I ordered EE full Fibre to the home broadband.

I looked online and compared packages and to get the new Smart Hub Pro and Smart WiFi Pro with WiFi 7. I went with the full 1.6Gb I called to talk to sales 2 hours later I got through, the lady offered me a worse deal than on the website, I declined and said I will order online. She spoke with her supervisor and came back with a better offer but still worse than online. I said I will order online. She then called me back and said if I order by phone she would credit me the difference! she seem to think that was an amazing deal?? I explained to her "that's paying more" then I have to wait to get money back I will order online. Honestly you couldn't make it up.

Below is a "simplified" timeline of my order so far and how painful it has been.

BEGINNING: 15-Nov-2024

Ordered EE Full Fibre Broadband given official installation date of 4-Dec-2024 booked day off work


Received EE Equipment


Waited in all day 1pm contacted EE who confirmed it was never going to be installed that day.
Registered complaint. Wasted Day off work


Told by phone the order is awaiting Civils (Civil Engineers) to do the digging, Given estimated completion of 17-Dec-2024


Received new Appointment Date from EE 21-Jan-2025 08AM-1PM


Consumer-resolutions informed me there was no update ignore the message from EE and would update me 20th


Told nothing happening and await review on 20-Dec-2024


Consumer-resolutions told estimated work completion date is set for 13-Jan-2025


Reply after my email on 20th, just told that they will keep me informed


I receive official text from EE saying its going to be installed 21-Jan-2024 and I must reply yes and agree to be there. I had less than weeks notice so had to especially ask for 21-1-2025 of work.


email from Consumer-resolutions saying they spoke to Openreach external work still not completed and pushed to 17th? & will check back on Monday 20-Dec-2025 and will keep me updated.
I sent him back all the screenshots of the EE text official booking!!


Received Text from Openreach saying new appointment is on Tue 25-Feb-2025 not a sorry in sight!


Phone call from new guy at Consumer-resolutions I explained I had booked 21st off work, he said it won't be the 21st I told him about the 25-Feb and he couldn't assume that or give me any kind of date.


As I had the day off!! I decided to do my own digging around (pun intended) and I found the booking with the council to dig the foot-way was booked for OpenReach to do the dig between the 17th-21st Jan 2025 so turns out it was booked but the work was not carried out. Wasted Day off work


The permission for the openreach civils footway street works permit "BC410LO00000500345360400" that was granted for 17th-22nd-Jan-2025 now expired with no work done cost of about £700 Wasted


After emailing again i received reply saying they checked with Openreach and the "aim" is still the 25-Feb-2025 and mentioned this is subject to change! Also said they have no idea why Openreach did not fulfill their booking to do the groundwoork. Maybe Kieran Wines can explain?


New planned Openreach footwork scheduled in my road ref:BC410LO00000500344952200 Works ref:WG1W7 24-Jan to 28-Jan 🤞 maybe for my connection?b Had a call from BT Consumer-Resolution to say 25th-Feb is still planned but subject to change!!


Well The planned works scheduled from 24-28th Jan was extended until the 29th and some extensive work was happening on the footway opposite side of the road to me (sorry neighbors), I can only assume and hope that it was to do with my FTTP connection. Its very strange because my side of the road was dig up over a year ago to lay fibre. All very strange


After all the footway activity across the road a Openreach engineer was poking around in a manhole across the road then installed into No.61 across the road, so I guess non of this was for my connection, back to square 1. ☹️

Tue 25-Feb-2025 1pm - 6pm

Appointment for Tue 25-Feb-2025 1pm CANCELLED (4th time) by text not even a phone call or even a single sorry, in fact I haven't had a single sorry.

New Date 11th of March !! over 3 Months from original install date, 4 Months from order!!! this is appalling service from EE, BT & Openreach

Tue 11-March-2025

New Date given by Openreach (4 months after I ordered)

Tue 14-Feb-2025

RESOLVED: I had to kick up a bit of a fuss and get an executive involved but Today I finally had my EE Full Fibre To The Property installed and working

Its important that the customer stands up to bad service we all deserve better.

EE bad customer service due to poor communication lack or wrong information

As I keep telling the support team, I fully understand how long things take the fact things need putting in place, that things can go wrong etc. I'm not bothered how long it takes what I want is a clear date when it will be installed and plenty of notice especially as it involves me taking time off work. I am still no closer to knowing when it will be installed.

Find Footway & Roadworks projects

How to get Compensation for delays from your Broadband provider (EE BT Virgin etc)

Support are telling me my Compensation starts from the 13th but as far as I'm concerned it should be the 4th

If your provider is part of ofcom scheme you can get automatic £6.10 a day Compensation for installation delays

+ EE will pay £30.49 for each missed appointment

ee compensation BT compensation ofcom compensation scheme Complain to ofcom

I believe EE owe me at least this much Compensation + £30.49 for the first missed appointment

If you have bad service from EE, BT & Openreach or just want to help everyone get a better service please share this page

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